Events, News & More

All Service Academy October 14 Happy Hour and November 7 Sporting KC Game

Posted: 9/30/2021

The October All Service Academy Alumni KC Happy Hour/Networking event will be on Thursday, Oct 14 at the Tavern at Mission Farms at 10681 Mission Rd, Leawood, KS 66206.  We’ll be there from 5-7 pm! Thanks to Brad Johnson ’97 West Point who sets these events up monthly for the benefit of all KC Service Academy Alumni.

The annual West Point Society of Greater Kansas City Sporting KC (MLS Soccer) Match and Networking Event is scheduled for Sunday, November 7th at The Bud Light Landing located in Children’s Mercy Park, Kansas City, Kansas. Match is against Real Salt Lake. Celebrate Veterans day by joining fellow alum for premier seating, food, drinks, and a chance to cheer on Sporting KC during their final home match of the season!  This event is in lieu of our November monthly Happy Hour, usually scheduled 2nd Thursday of each month, so don’t miss this chance to see everyone in November prior to the Holidays and Army vs. Navy! USNA Alumni are also cordially invited.

RSVP: First come, first serve – by Oct 6!! to Sam Sinclair West Point ’03 at Tickets are limited. You must RSVP to reserve tickets and commit payment for the day of.   

Where:  Children’s Mercy Park, 1 Sporting Way, Kansas City, KS 66111.

Time:  5 pm match start – 3:30 pm landing opens, food and drink available.

Cost:  $80.00 for each ticket. Includes food and drink for the duration of the game and entry to the Bud Light Landing where you‘ll view the match from a high top with friends and family. Seating is first come first serve so come early and find Sam Sinclair at the main entrance to the Bud Light Landing to pay – cash or check made payable to the WPSGKC, no credit cards accepted.

If you are going please also Navy RSVP to me Bob Culler at or text to 913 488-6319.

Service Academy Ring Knocker Golf, September 25, Trails West Ft. Leavenworth

Posted: 9/20/2021

When:                        Saturday, September 25, 2021


Where:                       Trails West Golf Course is the Army Post Golf Course at 306 Cody Road, Ft. Leavenworth, KS.

This is inside the Army Post at Ft. Leavenworth Grant Avenue Gate. Military retirees with a valid military ID can enter the Grant Avenue gate close to the Missouri River Bridge, non-military passengers in the same vehicle just show drivers license. Non-military driving a vehicle can stop at the Visitor Control Center, just outside the gate at Sherman Ave. and get a gate pass.  Hours are 8-4 PM on Saturday. Phone number is 913 684-3600. Documents needed are a valid picture driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance. See links:,+Fort+Leavenworth,+KS,+66027


Time:              Check-in 45 minutes prior to YOUR tee time with a 12:30 PM start for the first tee time. Allow a 45-minute drive from the south KC metro. Tee times are not shotgun they are consecutive 10 minutes apart on Hole #1. See below for your tee time. Adjustments on players and foursomes can be made until 5:00 PM Wednesday, September 22. Golf carts are included in your $40 per person price.


Format:          Team scramble.  Foursomes all men players drive from the Gold tees (5783 yards, Par 71) best ball is selected for 2nd shot. Each player hits a ball from that spot. Continue this all the way to the green and until the ball is holed. If only three players in a foursome then rotate through all three players to hit the next #4 shot, not just the best player. No mulligans. The worst score on any hole is a bogey. So bogey is your friend. Gentlemen over 65 can use the White Tees. Women can play from their Red tees.  (For reference: Blue tees 6,155; Gold 5,783; White 5,369; Red 4,676). Play toward a four-hour round as a goal. Scorecard


Prize:             A Traveling Trophy based on the lowest average of all service branch foursomes scores wins. Again low average wins, of all branch foursomes. Service academies alumni societies are pitted against each other. Army West Point is the defending champion.


Cost:               $40.00 for each player unless a member. Pay the golf course when you arrive. Fee includes use of the range and a cart. All players please reconfirm to: Bob Culler Navy ‘74: or text 913 488-6319, Matt Blome West Point ’97 text 706 587-1390 or Greg Shuey Air Force ’68, call 913 579-8886. Non-service academy alumni can fill in foursomes as necessary. Try to recruit your service branch if possible.


Lunch:            Lunch is not available for purchase at the Trails West Fairway Grille. But there will be a beverage cart with drinks and sandwiches/wraps.


Trophy Presentation:  At the conclusion approximately between 5:50-6:10 PM we will present the Commander & (KC) Chiefs trophy to the winner after all scorecards returned to Bob Culler, Matt Blome, and Greg Shuey.

Sept 11, 2021 Football Watch Party Air Force vs Navy in Annapolis

Posted: 9/10/2021

What:  Navy Air Force Joint Football Game Watch Party

Where: Coaches Bar & Grill, 9089 W. 135th Street, Overland Park, KS 66221. It is near the Scheels Soccer Complex. We initially may not be in one of the large rooms in the back but by game time we should be able to move. So come early each lunch, be ready for the kickoff.

When: Saturday, September 11, 2021 CBS Special 911 Football Pregame on TV at 2:00 PM, Kickoff at 2:30 PM.

Why: Because Navy will Beat Air Force in Annapolis we most always do.

What to Wear:  Something with Navy on it.

Cost: Order food and drinks individually off their menu. See the menu here:


USNA Alum Monsignor Stu Swetland ’81 Speaking to KC Navy League

Posted: 9/9/2021
“A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.”
President Theodore Roosevelt, December 2, 1902
Second Annual Message to Congress.
Navy League Luncheon Meeting
The Well Bar Grill & Rooftop
7421 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64114
11:30 AM, Thursday, September 16th, 2021
Guest Speaker
Monsignor Stuart Swetland
President of Donnelly College
Kansas City, KS
Biography: Monsignor Stuart Swetland
Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland, S.T.D., was ordained a priest in 1991 for the Diocese of Peoria, IL. He received his undergraduate degree in Physics from the United States Naval Academy. Elected a Rhodes Scholar in 1981, he entered the Catholic Church while studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford.
He has a B.A. and M.A. from Oxford; a M.Div. and M.A. from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary; and his S.T.L. and S.T.D. from the Pontifical Lateran University having studied at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Washington, DC.
He has an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Benedictine College in Atchison, KS.
He currently serves as the seventh President of Donnelly College in Kansas City, KS, where he is also Professor of Leadership and Christian Ethics. Previously, he served as Vice President for Catholic Identity and Mission and held the Archbishop Flynn Chair of Christian Ethics at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD.
He has also served as the Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education, the Executive Secretary for the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and Theological Advisor to the Illinois Catholic Conference.
Msgr. Swetland was named a Prelate of Honor in 2000 by Saint John Paul II and is a Knight Commander for the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchure and a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus.
Msgr. Swetland hosts the television show Catholicism on Campus on EWTN and Go Ask Your Father on Relevant Radio.
Pleases RSVP at your earlies convenience so we can get an accurate headcount.
(RSVP by clicking on the button below)
Cost for Lunch will be $25.
Pay by clicking on the red button below.
We always appreciate your checking the box:
“I’d like to add to my donation to help offset the cost of processing fees”
Payment by cash or check may also be made at the door.
Please RSVP No Later than Monday, Sept 14th
Mark Your Calendars!
September is Suicide Prevention Month
(Check on a Buddy)
Sea Cadets Birthday
September 10th
Patriot Day
September 11th
National Prisoner of War/Missing in Action
September, 17th
Gold Star Mother’s Day
September, 26th
Welcome New Navy League Member!
Mary Ellen Stone
P.O. Box 411361
Kansas City, MO 64141
Phone: 913-219-7460
Greater Kansas City Council – Navy League | P.O. Box 411361, Kansas City, MO 64141
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July Greater KC Metro USNA Alumni Chapter Luncheon

Posted: 6/15/2021

SAVE THE DATE July 22, 2021 (4th Thursday in July)

What:   Greater KC Metro Chapter Luncheon (first Live Meeting since Covid in early 2020–no meeting in June)

When:  July 22, 2021 from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Where: 180 Room at KC Joe’s Barbecue, 11944 South Strang Line Road, Olathe, KC 66062

Menu: BBQ Buffet including pulled KC Joe’s pork, burnt ends, turkey breast; coleslaw, BBQ beans, potato salad, brownies, iced tea, lemonade, water. Dietary restricted menu available with two week advanced request.

Cost:  $26 including tip and tax (pay in advance on-line, details TBD, and will be announced)

Program:  No speaker just a catch-up on USNA post Covid activities and future local chapter activities and regular monthly luncheon schedule announcement

RSVP: Email Bob Culler at


Dinner With WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Gulf War Heroes June 12 Overland Park

Posted: 6/1/2021

Invitation to Celebrate Our Heroe


Saturday, 12 June 2021 – 1800 – American Legion Post 370

The graduate associations of Air Force Academy, Annapolis, and West Point and F.I.S.H. (Friends in Service of Heroes) invite you to a dinner with heroes honoring some very special guests, veterans of World War II.  This year, because our annual celebration at Union Station was cancelled due to COVID, we are holding a combined Founders’ Day, Memorial Day, and D-Day dinner celebration to honor American veterans and the Fallen.

Our special guest speaker will be Col. John Clarke, USAF, who was a POW in the Hanoi Hilton for six years.   Also in attendance will be a number of our good friends who are veterans of the Great War, WWII  Special videos will also be presented by Sean Winn, producer of Patriot Features.

Featured guest will be artist Kermit Dyer whose military artwork will be on display including the painting of Col. John Clark’s aircraft.

Location:  American Legion Post 370, 7500 W. 75h St., Overland Park, KS 66204

Date/Time:  Saturday, 12 June 2021, 1800 (6:00 pm) Meet-and-Greet/Cash Bar; 1900 (7:00 pm) Opening ceremony and dinner 


            Brisket, Chicken Breasts, Pork Tenderloin

            Salad, Baked Beans, Potatoes Au Grain, Green Beans




Dress: Business casual (Note: Military veterans are encouraged to wearing their uniforms in honor of our guests)

Cost: $20/plate (taxes and gratuities included)

Reservations:  Please make online reservations early but NLT 7 June at:  Dinner with Heroes or


This dinner is open to all veterans, supporters of our U.S. Military, and their spouses.  Bring a friend and enjoy our first major event in a year.

For information, contact Greg Shuey at: or 913-579-8886.

Gregory N. Shuey

President, KC Association of Graduates of the US Air Force Academy

Navy Blue Angels Last Chance for Friday Practice Session Viewing

Posted: 5/25/2021

Feb 29, 2020 USS Kansas City Commissioning Brief by RADM Penfield

Posted: 2/25/2020

Joint Service Academy Leadership Breakfast Feb 29 Hereford House Leawood, KS









When:               Saturday, February, 29, 2020


Where:             Hereford House, 5001 Town Center Dr, Leawood, KS 66221


Who:                All Service Academy Alumni, their spouses, Navy League, AUSA members, Service Academy Parent Clubs members


Time:              9:00 AM to 10:30 AM


Speaker:        Retired Rear Admiral Jeff Penfield, USN, will speak about the work of the local Commissioning Committee of the USS Kansas City (LCS-22), which is the Navy’s newest littoral combat ship being commissioned in San Diego, CA on June 20, 2020. Admiral Penfield is the Executive Chairman of the USS Kansas City Commission Committee which is comprised on many top civic and business leaders in Kansas City MO and KS, including mayors and congressman and also five service academy alumni representing all three academies.  Admiral Penfield was also the Executive Chairman of the USS Wichita (LCS-13) Commissioning Committee in 2018-2019 and planned the events for celebration of the ship turnover to the US Navy in January 2019 in Mayport, Florida. He was an F-18 pilot during his 34 years of active duty in the Navy and a squadron commander and held many positions of high responsibility in including in test and evaluation of aircraft, acquisition testing of the Super Hornet F-18 (advanced version) aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles, and oversaw operational fleet maintenance.  His official Navy biography is here: Rear Admiral Jeff Penfield’s Navy Biography. The Admiral sits on the boards of several civic and veterans organization including the Fisher House and is a member of the Navy League.


Commissioning Committee:  The web page for the USS Kansas City Commissioning Committee:  Admiral Penfield will also talk about the littoral combat ship, the crew, what the mission of the ship will be, and potential overseas deployment capabilities for the Kansas City.  You are going to be amazed at the support (both financially and with community leaders) for the ship. An enduring scholarship fund (six figures) has been set up to support to crew of the USS Kansas City enlisted sailors where they can take on-line courses from local colleges and universities for college credit. The overwhelming majority of our contributions came from corporate sponsorships and local family and philanthropic foundations. The local USNA Alumni Chapter will make a corporate contribution representing all of you. This meeting is to tell the story of the USS Kansas City joining the fleet and make sure you, as local service academy alumni, get the insider story of how a community came together to support the Navy’s newest combat ship. There will be many Kansas Citians attending the public ceremony in San Diego, CA on June 20.


Dress:             Business casual or casual (it’s a Saturday)


Cost:               $16.00 includes a full buffet breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, juice, and coffee. Please RSVP to Bob Culler if attending ASAP: or text 913 488-6319 prior to midday on Wednesday, February 26.  Cash or personal check only at the door please, no credit or debit cards.

December 31 Greater KC Liberty Bowl Watch Party, Fox & Hound

Posted: 12/27/2019


Kansas City’s Metro Area Liberty Bowl Watch Party



When:            Tuesday, December 31, 2019, from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM (Central), ESPN, Kickoff is at 2:45 PM (Central)

What:               Navy Liberty Bowl Watch Party (Navy vs Kansas State)

Where:           Fox & Hound Bar + Grill, 10328 Metcalf, Indian Creek Shopping Center, Overland Park, KS  66212. The main bar area and two large side rooms with large picture windows looking into the bar can seat 200+.                       

Who:              Naval Academy Alumni Association, Greater Kansas City Metro Chapter, Naval Academy Parents Club, Friends of the Naval Academy Alumni Association, Navy League, Other Service Academy Guests 

Dress:             Casual: Navy Spirit Wear   

Food:               Order lunch off the standard Fox & Hound menu. See the web page above. The Fox & Hound may have a special menu with a few popular choices, which will speed up service. Get there early for ordering lunch.

Cost:               No charge to get in, but we recommend you arrive very early to get a seat together with your alumni friends and family. The main bar area will not be closed to the public per the Fox & Hound management (Brenda Colebert, Events Coordinator)

Signup:           No RSVP necessary          

Questions:        Navy contact Bob Culler ’74  (913) 488-6319 (cell)


December 14 Combined Army Navy Watch Party–Location Fox & Hound Metcalf, Overland Park

Posted: 11/14/2019

When:              Saturday, December 14, 2019, from 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM (Central), TV Coverage on CBS is at 2:00 PM

What:               Combined Army Navy Watch Party At a Sports Bar & Grille in the KC Metro 

Where:             Fox and Hound Bar and Grill, 10328 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66212            

Who:              West Point Society of Graduates of Greater Kansas City, West Point Parents Club, Friends of West Point, AUSA, Naval Academy Alumni Association, Greater Kansas City Metro Chapter, Naval Academy Parents Club, Friends of the Naval Academy Alumni Association, Navy League, and American Fallen Warrior Memorial Foundation (AFWMF), and non-Academy affiliated service guests. Family members are cordially invited as well.  This is a family friendly event. 

Dress:             Casually: Army and Navy Spirit Wear   

Food:              Order Off the standard menu

Cost:              No cost for admission.

Signup:          Go to this link to register for free and RSVP:

Questions:    Contact Bob Culler ’74











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